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EU Peace Mission in Armenia | Documentary

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan led the European Union to launch a civilian mission in F ...View More

When heat kills - The effects of climate change on workers | DW Documentary

Temperatures of more than 50 degrees Celsius. Normal, and sometimes fatal for construction site labo ...View More

New quantum computers - Potential and pitfalls | DW Documentary

A new supercomputer is slated to make it possible to reduce animal experiments and perhaps to cure c ...View More

When Women Kill: Understanding Their Approach to Murder (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

"Greatest Crimes of All Time" double episode: Ep 1 - Insiders shine a light on some of the most evil ...View More

Could We Reach the Stars? | Documentary

Since the dawn of time, mankind has aspired to one thing only: to go further and further beyond the  ...View More

Brazil's Evangelicals on the march | DW Documentary

Evangelical churches are growing fast in Brazil, often filling a void left by the Catholic church an ...View More

Risking Their Life Savings To Move Their Future Home | Massive Moves | Documentary Central

Imagine the challenge of moving an entire house from one location to another—the fixtures, walls, an ...View More

Can algae save the world? | DW Documentary

Using algae to solve humanity's most pressing problems - that's the ambitious aim of a team of resea ...View More

Russian Media on Navalny's Death | Documentary

Alexei Navalny's death in prison has caused consternation and outrage around the world... except on  ...View More

Far-Right infiltrates the Viking Community | Documentary

Swords, shields, medieval living, and reenactment of famous battles of the past. The world's largest ...View More

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